GLW Installation Status as of Thursday 6/20/2019
The FCC Deadline is July 26th 2019. The mission is to build ALL 98 MVDDS radio sites by July 1, 2019.
As of noon Today:
- We have 77 of 98 links installed with 21 links left to build by July 1.
- We are installing 3 links today which reduce the 21 links to 18 links
- We have 15 of the 18 links scheduled to be built by the end of June.
- Which leaves us with 3 links that need to be scheduled and built by our July 1 deadline.
The remaining 3 links should be scheduled and built by our deadline as they are sites that have either needed to be relocated from other sites that were not ideal, or they are sites that are pending final paper work and payments.
We are confident that ALL of the links will be built and by our FCC Deadline of July 26th 2019.
We will continue to update you next week.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us.